At JA Medical we want you to be happy with the service we provide. We always aim to deliver very high standards of patient care. If you feel at any time we haven’t delivered the quality of service you expected or you’re not satisfied with your care, you may wish to complain.
Please make any complaint firstly to the nurse/doctor who provided your service. They will make every effort to initially resolve your concerns immediately. If this is not achieved please write to Joanna Cox – Registered CQC Manager at the Maidstone clinic:
Joanna Cox, Cosmopolitan Medical, 80 King Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1BH
If you are still not happy with the outcome you can escalate your complaint in writing to:
CQC, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle Upon Tyne. NE1 4PU
TEL – 0300 061 6161